Thursday, May 13, 2010

Train Under Water

Last movie watched: White Oleander (Read the book as well, which was very intense but very well written.)
TV show addiction: Dollhouse: Season One (Available on instant netflix, except for the last episode, which I have coming on disc goddamnit.)
Currently listening to a lot of Bright Eyes, album: "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning".

Still on Season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with James, although I think we only have 3 episodes left. Shit has hit the fan and it's about time to clean it up.

Work can be incredibly boring. I keep Failbook open just in case anyone wants to talk to me (although I try my hardest not to get caught with it on my screen...) and save me from boredom.

I spend a good amount of time reading Freakonomics, but there's only so many statistics I can take in before my brain and eyes hurt more than they already do.

This recent onslaught of headaches, tired eyes, and overall drowsiness is caused by any combination of the following things:
1) Side-effects of new meds,
2) Not getting enough sleep,
3) Staring at a computer screen for the vast majority of my waking hours,
4) Waking up early every morning,
5) Well if I could tame all my desires, wait out the weather that howls in my brain. Because it seems that it’s always changing, the wind’s indecision, the sorrowful rain.

Going to Zach's concert tonight. I want to go, I mean I know it means a lot to him that I am, but... middle-schoolers T_T And my mom t-t She just stresses me OUT! T__T 
And where did all my time go? 

Right now I just kind of want to play Oblivion ... That would be calming right now, I think.
Not that I'm not calm. I'm just tired. And my brain is agitated. UGH. 

And it is always just my luck that I have to use the men's restroom because someone is always in mine.

Yesterday's favorite Daily Deviation:


1 comment:

James said...

All things will get better with time, love.

They always do. <3